In this Tutorial, we will discuss top Pyspark Interview Questions and Answers with the examples to get experts in pyspark.
Each question will be accompanied by code syntax and examples to help you understand and implement the concepts effectively.
These questions cover various aspects of Pyspark, including data manipulation, data transformation, machine learning, and performance optimization.
In this guide, we will provide you with 50 commonly asked Pyspark interview questions and their detailed answers.
Whether you are preparing for a PySpark interview or looking to enhance your knowledge and skills in PySpark, this guide will serve as a valuable resource.
Let’s dive into the interview questions and explore the world of PySpark!
PySpark Interview Questions and Answers
Here are 50 PySpark interview questions and answers with detailed code syntax and examples:
1. What is PySpark?
PySpark is the Python API for Apache Spark, an open-source distributed computing system.
It provides a high-level API for distributed data processing, allowing developers to write Spark applications using Python.
PySpark is a powerful Python library that provides an interface for Apache Spark, a fast and distributed big data processing framework.
It allows you to process large-scale data efficiently by leveraging distributed computing capabilities. PySpark is widely used in data processing, data analytics, and machine learning tasks.
2. How do you create a PySpark DataFrame?
To create a PySpark DataFrame, you can use the spark.createDataFrame()
method. Here’s an example:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() data = [("John", 25), ("Alice", 30), ("Bob", 35)] df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["Name", "Age"])
3. How can you read a CSV file in PySpark?
You can use the
method to read a CSV file in PySpark. Here’s an example:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() df ="path/to/file.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True)
4. What is the difference between RDD and DataFrame in PySpark?
RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) is the fundamental data structure in Spark, representing an immutable distributed collection of objects.
DataFrames, on the other hand, provide a higher-level interface and are organized into named columns, similar to a table in a relational database.
DataFrames offer optimizations and optimizations for structured and semi-structured data.
5. How do you filter rows in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the filter()
method or the where()
method to filter rows in a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
filtered_df = df.filter(df.Age > 30) # or filtered_df = df.where(df.Age > 30)
6. How can you select specific columns from a PySpark DataFrame?
To select specific columns from a PySpark DataFrame, you can use the select()
method. Here’s an example:
selected_df ="Name", "Age")
7. How do you rename a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the withColumnRenamed()
method to rename a column in a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
renamed_df = df.withColumnRenamed("Age", "NewAge")
8. How can you sort a PySpark DataFrame by a column?
You can use the sort()
or orderBy()
methods to sort a PySpark DataFrame by a column. Here’s an example:
sorted_df = df.sort(df.Age) # or sorted_df = df.orderBy(df.Age)
9. How do you perform a groupBy operation in PySpark?
You can use the groupBy()
method to perform a groupBy operation in PySpark. Here’s an example:
grouped_df = df.groupBy("Age").count()
10. How can you join two PySpark DataFrames?
To join two PySpark DataFrames, you can use the join()
method. Here’s an example:
joined_df = df1.join(df2, df1.ID == df2.ID, "inner")
11. How do you perform a union operation on two PySpark DataFrames?
You can use the union()
method to perform a union operation on two PySpark DataFrames. Here’s an example:
union_df = df1.union(df2)
12. How can you cache a PySpark DataFrame in memory?
You can use the cache()
method to cache a PySpark DataFrame in memory. Here’s an example:
13. How do you handle missing or null values in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the na
attribute to handle missing or null values in a PySpark DataFrame. Here are a few methods:
# Drop rows with any null values df.dropna() # Fill null values with a specific value df.fillna(0) # Replace null values in a specific column{"Age": 0})
14. How can you perform aggregations on a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method to perform aggregations on a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
agg_df = df.agg({"Age": "max", "Salary": "avg"})
15. How do you convert a PySpark DataFrame to an RDD?
You can use the rdd
attribute to convert a PySpark DataFrame to an RDD. Here’s an example:
rdd = df.rdd
16. How can you repartition a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the repartition()
method to repartition a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
repartitioned_df = df.repartition(4)
17. How do you write a PySpark DataFrame to a Parquet file?
You can use the write.parquet()
method to write a PySpark DataFrame to a Parquet file. Here’s an example:
18. How can you read a Parquet file in PySpark?
You can use the
method to read a Parquet file in PySpark. Here’s an example:
df ="path/to/file.parquet")
19. How do you handle duplicates in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the dropDuplicates()
method to handle duplicates in a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
deduplicated_df = df.dropDuplicates()
20. How can you convert a PySpark DataFrame to a Pandas DataFrame?
You can use the toPandas()
method to convert a PySpark DataFrame to a Pandas DataFrame. Here’s an example:
pandas_df = df.toPandas()
21. How do you add a new column to a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the withColumn()
method to add a new column to a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
new_df = df.withColumn("NewColumn", df.Age + 1)
22. How can you drop a column from a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the drop()
method to drop a column from a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
dropped_df = df.drop("Age")
23. How do you calculate the distinct count of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the distinct()
method followed by the count()
method to calculate the distinct count of a column in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
distinct_count ="Age").distinct().count() print(distinct_count)
24. How can you perform a broadcast join in PySpark?
To perform a broadcast join in PySpark, you can use the broadcast()
function. Here’s an example:
from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast joined_df = df1.join(broadcast(df2), df1.ID == df2.ID, "inner")
25. How do you convert a PySpark DataFrame column to a different data type?
You can use the cast()
method to convert a PySpark DataFrame column to a different data type. Here’s an example:
converted_df = df.withColumn("NewColumn", df.Age.cast("string"))
26. How can you handle imbalanced data in PySpark?
To handle imbalanced data in PySpark, you can use techniques such as undersampling, oversampling, or using weighted classes in machine learning algorithms.
Here’s an example of undersampling:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col positive_df = df.filter(col("label") == 1) negative_df = df.filter(col("label") == 0) sampled_negative_df = negative_df.sample(False, positive_df.count() / negative_df.count()) balanced_df = positive_df.union(sampled_negative_df)
27. How do you calculate the correlation between two columns in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the corr()
method to calculate the correlation between two columns in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
correlation ="Column1", "Column2").corr("Column1", "Column2") print(correlation)
28. How can you handle skewed data in PySpark?
To handle skewed data in PySpark, you can use techniques such as bucketing or stratified sampling.
Here’s an example of bucketing:
from import Bucketizer bucketizer = Bucketizer(splits=[-float("inf"), 0, 10, float("inf")], inputCol="value", outputCol="bucket") bucketed_df = bucketizer.transform(df)
29. How do you calculate the cumulative sum of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the window
function and the sum
function to calculate the cumulative sum of a column in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
from pyspark.sql.window import Window from pyspark.sql.functions import col, sum window_spec = Window.orderBy("timestamp").rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow) cumulative_sum_df = df.withColumn("CumulativeSum", sum(col("value")).over(window_spec))
30. How can you handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using machine learning techniques?
To handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using machine learning techniques, you can use methods such as mean imputation or regression imputation.
Here’s an example of mean imputation:
from import Imputer imputer = Imputer(strategy="mean", inputCols=["col1", "col2"], outputCols=["imputed_col1", "imputed_col2"]) imputed_df =
31. How do you calculate the average of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the avg()
function to calculate the average of a column in a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
average = df.agg({"Column": "avg"}).collect()[0][0] print(average)
32. How can you handle categorical variables in PySpark?
To handle categorical variables in PySpark, you can use techniques such as one-hot encoding or index encoding.
Here’s an example of one-hot encoding:
from import OneHotEncoder, StringIndexer indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="category", outputCol="categoryIndex") indexed_df = encoder = OneHotEncoder(inputCol="categoryIndex", outputCol="categoryVec") encoded_df = encoder.transform(indexed_df)
33. How do you calculate the maximum value of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the max()
function to calculate the maximum value of a column in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
maximum = df.agg({"Column": "max"}).collect()[0][0] print(maximum)
34. How can you handle outliers in PySpark?
To handle outliers in PySpark, you can use techniques such as winsorization or Z-score transformation.
Here’s an example of winsorization:
from pyspark.sql.functions import expr winsorized_df = df.withColumn("Column", expr("percentile(Column, 0.05)"))
35. How do you calculate the minimum value of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the min()
function to calculate the minimum value of a column in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
minimum = df.agg({"Column": "min"}).collect()[0][0] print(minimum)
36. How can you handle class imbalance in PySpark?
To handle class imbalance in PySpark, you can use techniques such as oversampling or undersampling.
Here’s an example of oversampling:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col positive_df = df.filter(col("label") == 1) negative_df = df.filter(col("label") == 0) oversampled_positive_df = positive_df.sample(True, negative_df.count() / positive_df.count(), seed=42) balanced_df = oversampled_positive_df.union(negative_df)
37. How do you calculate the sum of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the sum()
function to calculate the sum of a column in a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
total_sum = df.agg({"Column": "sum"}).collect()[0][0] print(total_sum)
38. How can you handle multicollinearity in PySpark?
To handle multicollinearity in PySpark, you can use techniques such as variance inflation factor (VIF) or dimensionality reduction methods like principal component analysis (PCA).
Here’s an example of VIF:
from import VectorAssembler from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=df.columns, outputCol="features") assembled_df = assembler.transform(df) variables ="features") x: x.features.toArray()) vif_values = [variance_inflation_factor(variables, i) for i in range(len(df.columns))]
39. How do you calculate the count of distinct values in a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the countDistinct()
function to calculate the count of distinct values in a column in a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
distinct_count = df.agg({"Column": "countDistinct"}).collect()[0][0] print(distinct_count)
40. How can you handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using statistical techniques?
To handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using statistical techniques, you can use methods such as mean imputation, median imputation, or regression imputation.
Here’s an example of median imputation:
from import Imputer imputer = Imputer(strategy="median", inputCols=["col1", "col2"], outputCols=["imputed_col1", "imputed_col2"]) imputed_df =
41. How do you calculate the variance of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the variance()
function to calculate the variance of a column in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
variance = df.agg({"Column": "variance"}).collect()[0][0] print(variance)
42. How can you handle skewed data in PySpark using logarithmic transformation?
To handle skewed data in PySpark using logarithmic transformation, you can use the log()
Here’s an example:
from pyspark.sql.functions import log log_transformed_df = df.withColumn("Column", log(df.Column))
43. How do you calculate the standard deviation of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the stddev()
function to calculate the standard deviation of a column in a PySpark DataFrame. Here’s an example:
std_deviation = df.agg({"Column": "stddev"}).collect()[0][0] print(std_deviation)
44. How can you handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using interpolation techniques?
To handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using interpolation techniques, you can use methods such as linear interpolation or spline interpolation.
Here’s an example of linear interpolation:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when df = df.withColumn("Column", when(col("Column").isNull(), df.Column.interpolate()).otherwise(col("Column")))
45. How do you calculate the skewness of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the skewness()
function to calculate the skewness of a column in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
skewness = df.agg({"Column": "skewness"}).collect()[0][0] print(skewness)
46. How can you handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using hot-deck imputation?
To handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using hot-deck imputation, you can use methods such as nearest neighbor imputation or regression imputation.
Here’s an example of nearest neighbor imputation:
from import KNNImputer imputer = KNNImputer(inputCols=["col1", "col2"], outputCols=["imputed_col1", "imputed_col2"]) imputed_df =
47. How do you calculate the kurtosis of a column in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the kurtosis()
function to calculate the kurtosis of a column in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
kurtosis = df.agg({"Column": "kurtosis"}).collect()[0][0] print(kurtosis)
48. How can you handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using machine learning techniques?
To handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using machine learning techniques, you can use methods such as iterative imputation or model-based imputation.
Here’s an example of iterative imputation using the MICE algorithm:
from import Imputer imputer = Imputer(strategy="mice", inputCols=["col1", "col2"], outputCols=["imputed_col1", "imputed_col2"]) imputed_df =
49. How do you calculate the covariance between two columns in a PySpark DataFrame?
You can use the agg()
method with the cov()
function to calculate the covariance between two columns in a PySpark DataFrame.
Here’s an example:
covariance = df.agg({"Column1": "cov", "Column2": "Column2"}).collect()[0][0] print(covariance)
50. How can you handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using median imputation?
To handle missing values in a PySpark DataFrame using median imputation, you can use the na.fill()
Here’s an example:
median_imputed_df ={"Column":"Column").approxQuantile("Column", [0.5], 0.0)[0]})
These answers provide code snippets and examples to address the interview questions.
However, it’s important to adapt the code to your specific use case and dataset.
Related Article: Databricks Spark Architecture: Comprehensive Guide
In this guide, we have covered 50 commonly asked PySpark interview questions along with detailed answers, code syntax, and examples.
These questions touch upon various aspects of PySpark, including data manipulation, data transformation, machine learning, and performance optimization.
By going through these questions and their answers, you have gained a deeper understanding of PySpark and its usage in big data processing and analytics.
You have learned about key PySpark concepts such as DataFrame operations, Spark SQL, machine learning with MLlib, handling missing values, handling skewed data, and more.
Remember that these interview questions and answers provide a solid foundation, but it’s essential to practice and explore further to strengthen your PySpark skills.
The PySpark documentation and online resources can provide additional information and real-world use cases.
We hope this guide has been helpful in your journey to master PySpark. Good luck with your PySpark interviews and future endeavors in big data processing and analytics!
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Meet Nitin, a seasoned professional in the field of data engineering. With a Post Graduation in Data Science and Analytics, Nitin is a key contributor to the healthcare sector, specializing in data analysis, machine learning, AI, blockchain, and various data-related tools and technologies. As the Co-founder and editor of, Nitin brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the realm of analytics. Join us in exploring the exciting intersection of healthcare and data science with Nitin as your guide.