What are the Types of Cloud Computing?

In this article we going to talk about the different types of cloud computing and before we dive too deep into that first let us discuss a definition for cloud computing as a whole.

Cloud computing is the on‑demand delivery of the fastest processing, multiple applications, big database storage, and other IT resources into a cloud services platform on the web.

It also limits the higher prices based on pay and use like pay‑as‑you‑go pricing, and that pay‑as‑you‑go pricing is critical means based on your usage it goes up and down.

Cloud service providers have built different global infrastructures for easy access and more scalability and reliability and publishing your work globally in minutes using these clouds.

In the cloud computing system, we have a different service spectrum, on this spectrum on one end, we have absolute control. But on the other end, we have minimum maintenance where things just run without us even having to think about it.

The Different Types of Cloud computing

In the below cloud services spectrum, we are going to explore each service that you can implement in the different types of a cloud computing system.

1. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

In cloud services, there is the first paradigm called IaaS that gives your maximum control over your data because it means Infrastructure as a Service or commonly abbreviated as IaaS.

This is where we run servers in the cloud, virtual servers that are very similar to how we would run servers in our own data center, meaning that we have full access to those servers.

We can change the Operating system that is running on the cloud and you can completely configure them to do exactly what we want.

However, we also have to perform maintenance on those servers, keep them up and running to do exactly what we want them to do.

2. SaaS (Software as a Service)

Similar to IaaS there is another cloud service spectrum that explores different cloud spectrum, you can see Software as a Service, or SaaS, commonly abbreviated as SaaS.

In this Software as a Service, you might not realize it, but you’re probably using multiple software as Service solutions every day.

That could be your mobile application, email, multimedia, payments, or specific chat service that you use In your organization for communication.

It can be just a piece of software that you’re able to run with, you don’t have to worry about configuring servers and data storage It is just provided to you as a service.

Most of the software as services are managed by the public cloud provides or it may manage on a hybrid cloud that we will see next in this tutorial.

3. PaaS (Platform as a Service)

IaaS and SaaS are both highly usable spectrum in cloud services but in the middle of these two, you have something called Platform as a Service, or PaaS.

This means that we get a service that is configured for use where we simply need to deploy our customizations onto it.

For example, if you have previously used maybe a WordPress host like WP Engine, you can simply drop in your code and you can be up and running, so they configure the Word Press install in the server for you.

There also is a Platform as a Service solution on AWS called Elastic Beanstalk, and with these types of different options, we can understand different ways to use cloud computing.

Different Types of Cloud

Now here let us explore the multiple types of cloud or cloud computing models in detail and how they are distinguished from each other with their usability.

1. Public Cloud

Now in cloud computing, there is the first model that we mostly use is the public cloud, or people can just say it as the cloud.

You use public cloud when you are deploying a solution onto a cloud provider like AWS, Azure from Microsoft, or the Google Cloud Platform, etc.

There are other cloud providers also available in the market which give your pay and access services this type of cloud we can say that Public cloud which is anyone can use based on their need.

That means for the public cloud you get the subscription and login based on that you can access or share your business data with others.

2. Private Cloud (On‑Premises)

Another type of cloud computing is the on‑premises or private cloud or you hear words like people say just on‑prem, and this is when you have a cloud‑like platform in a private data center.

A private cloud is the own data center or server which is built for our own purpose and it is private which means no one can access this.

If you wanted to be able to be somewhat scalable similar to a Public cloud provider, that you need to do it within your own data center and you can do a lot more customization with your private cloud.

There are multiple solutions that you can deploy from companies like a virtual box or VMware to build up your own private cloud.

3. Hybrid Cloud

In this type of cloud, we can say that a combination of public cloud and on-premises data center or it can be a different combination based on your business need and data.

Similarly, in some cases, your organization is leveraging both a public cloud, but those public cloud applications are working in tandem with a private cloud within their own data centers.

That is the reason it is important to understand those especially large organizations, they could be using a public, private, or using them together in a hybrid model.


Cloud computing is the world’s highly demanding way to build, deploy and access a large amount of data on daily basis.

All the cloud computing services and the type of cloud computing make the use of the cloud very easy and understandable for businesses.

Public cloud is largely consumed these days because of different cloud computing benefits like less maintenance and low cost and several other factors.

Top 10 Benefits Of Cloud Computing.

What Is Cloud Computing? – Example, Components, Platforms

What are the data lakes? – Architecture, Usecases

What Is A Virtual Private Cloud In AWS?

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