PySpark Drop Column: A Comprehensive Guide

In this blog, we will discuss Simplifying Data Manipulation with the Pyspark drop column with A Comprehensive Guide.

PySpark, the Python API for Apache Spark, provides a robust set of tools for data processing, analysis, and transformation.

One crucial operation for data manipulation is the drop column operation, which allows you to remove unnecessary columns from a DataFrame.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into PySpark’s drop column operation, explore its various capabilities, and provide a plethora of practical examples to help you master data transformation with PySpark.

Introduction to PySpark Drop Column

The drop column operation in PySpark is used to eliminate one or more columns from a DataFrame. It is an indispensable tool for data cleaning, preprocessing, and analysis.

You can use it to get rid of superfluous data, reduce data dimensionality, and focus on essential information, thus simplifying your data processing tasks.

To start, let’s set up a PySpark environment:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("PySparkDropColumnExample").getOrCreate()

With the environment ready, let’s dive into the drop column operation with various illustrative examples.

Data Manipulation with PySpark Drop Column

Example 1: Dropping a Single Column

In this elementary example, we will drop a single column, “unwanted_column,” from a DataFrame.

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25, "New York"), ("Bob", 30, "San Francisco"), ("Carol", 22, "Los Angeles")]
schema = ["name", "age", "city"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=schema)

# Drop a single column
df_dropped = df.drop("city")

In this example, the “city” column is removed from the DataFrame.

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Example 2: Drop Multiple Column(s) Pyspark

You can use the drop operation to eliminate multiple columns simultaneously. In this example, we will remove both the “city” and “age” columns.

# Drop multiple columns
df_dropped = df.drop("city", "age")

Here, both the “city” and “age” columns are dropped from the DataFrame.

Example 3: Using a List to Specify Columns

Alternatively, you can employ a list to specify the columns you want to drop. This approach offers flexibility and scalability.

# Define a list of columns to drop
columns_to_drop = ["city", "age"]

# Drop columns using the list
df_dropped = df.drop(*columns_to_drop)

This method is particularly useful when you need to remove a dynamic set of columns specified in a list.

Example 4: Conditional Column Dropping

You can perform conditional column dropping based on a criterion. In this example, we will remove columns with names starting with “X.”

# Drop columns based on a condition
columns_to_drop = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith("X")]

# Drop columns using the list
df_dropped = df.drop(*columns_to_drop)

Here, columns with names starting with “X” are dropped, and the remaining columns are retained.

Example 5: Dropping All But Selected Columns

In some cases, it’s more efficient to specify the columns you want to keep instead of those you want to drop. In this example, we will retain the “name” column and drop all others.

# Keep the "name" column and drop all others
df_dropped = df.drop(*(col for col in df.columns if col != "name"))

Here, we retain the “name” column while eliminating all others.

Drop Multiple Column(s) using PySpark Drop

Here are additional examples of dropping multiple columns in PySpark:

Example 6: Dropping Columns by Data Type

In some scenarios, you may want to drop columns based on their data types. For instance, you might want to remove all string-type columns from your DataFrame. In this example, we drop all string-type columns.

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25, "New York"), ("Bob", 30, "San Francisco"), ("Carol", 22, "Los Angeles")]
schema = ["name", "age", "city"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=schema)

# Get the data types of all columns
column_data_types = [field.dataType for field in df.schema.fields]

# Identify string-type columns
string_columns = [col for col, data_type in zip(df.columns, column_data_types) if str(data_type) == "StringType"]

# Drop string-type columns
df_dropped = df.drop(*string_columns)

In this example, we identify string-type columns and drop them from the DataFrame.

Example 7: Dropping Columns by Prefix

If your DataFrame has columns with a common prefix, you can drop those columns using the prefix as a criterion. In this example, we drop all columns with the prefix “feature.”

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25, "feature_1", "feature_2"), ("Bob", 30, "feature_3", "feature_4"), ("Carol", 22, "feature_5", "feature_6")]
schema = ["name", "age", "feature_1", "feature_2"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=schema)

# Identify columns with a common prefix
prefix = "feature_"
prefix_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col.startswith(prefix)]

# Drop columns with the specified prefix
df_dropped = df.drop(*prefix_columns)

In this example, we identify and remove columns with the prefix “feature_.”

Example 8: Dropping Columns by Suffix

Similarly, you can drop columns by their suffix. In this example, we remove all columns with the suffix “_to_remove.”

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25, "column_to_remove_1", "column_to_remove_2"), ("Bob", 30, "column_to_keep_1", "column_to_remove_3")]
schema = ["name", "age", "column_to_remove_1", "column_to_keep_1"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=schema)

# Identify columns with a common suffix
suffix = "_to_remove"
suffix_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col.endswith(suffix)]

# Drop columns with the specified suffix
df_dropped = df.drop(*suffix_columns)

In this example, we identify and eliminate columns with the suffix “_to_remove.”

These examples showcase the flexibility of pyspark drop column operation for removing multiple columns, whether based on data types, common prefixes, or specific suffixes.


The pyspark drop column operation is a pivotal tool for data transformation, enabling you to streamline your data by eliminating irrelevant or redundant information.

Whether you need to remove a single column, multiple columns, or employ conditional logic, the drop operation simplifies data manipulation and enhances data processing efficiency.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the capabilities of pyspark drop column operation through a range of examples.

Equipped with this knowledge, you’ll be better prepared to streamline your data preprocessing, analysis, and transformation, thus optimizing your data-driven endeavors with PySpark.

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1. Databricks Blog – “PySpark SQL Cheat Sheet: Python Example”:
  • PySpark SQL Cheat Sheet
  • Databricks offers a cheat sheet with Python examples for PySpark operations, including column dropping.
2. How To Delete Columns From PySpark DataFrames