PySpark Rename Column Function: Comprehensive Guide

In this blog, we will see the what is pyspark rename column function? and Mastering Data Column Renaming in PySpark with A Comprehensive Guide.

PySpark, the Python API for Apache Spark, is a powerful framework for big data processing and analytics.

When working with large datasets, it’s often necessary to rename columns for clarity or to align with specific requirements.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various methods available for renaming columns in PySpark, backed by practical examples.

By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped to confidently manipulate column names in your PySpark projects.

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Understanding the Pyspark Rename Column Function

Column renaming is a fundamental data manipulation task.

In PySpark, meaningful column names improve code readability and simplify downstream data processing. It is essential for tasks like feature engineering, data transformation, and model training.

To start our journey, let’s set up a PySpark environment:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("PySparkRenameColumnExample").getOrCreate()

With our environment ready, we can dive into column renaming using PySpark.

Example 1: Renaming a Single Column

Let’s begin with the simplest case, renaming a single column. In this example, we’ll change the name of the “age” column to “years_old”:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Carol", 28)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Renaming a single column
df = df.withColumnRenamed("age", "years_old")

Here, we use the .withColumnRenamed() method to change the name of the “age” column to “years_old.”

Example 2: Renaming Multiple Columns

Renaming multiple columns is a common requirement in data preprocessing. In this example, we’ll rename both the “name” and “age” columns:

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Carol", 28)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Renaming multiple columns
df = df.withColumnRenamed("name", "full_name").withColumnRenamed("age", "years_old")

Here, we use chained .withColumnRenamed() methods to rename both the “name” and “age” columns.

Example 3: Using Aliases in SQL Queries

In PySpark, you can also rename columns using SQL queries. In this example, we’ll rename the “name” column using an SQL alias:

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Carol", 28)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Renaming a column using SQL alias
df = spark.sql("SELECT name AS full_name, age FROM people")

Here, we use an SQL query to rename the “name” column as “full_name” in the result.

Example 4: Renaming Columns with Expressions

PySpark also allows renaming columns using expressions. In this example, we’ll append “_years_old” to the “age” column:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, expr

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Carol", 28)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Renaming a column using an expression
df = df.withColumn("age", expr("age AS age_years_old"))

Here, we use the .withColumn() method and an expression to append “_years_old” to the “age” column.

Example 5: Using Python Aliases

You can also rename columns using Python aliases. In this example, we’ll rename the “name” column to “full_name” using Python aliases:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Carol", 28)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Renaming a column using Python aliases
df = df.withColumnRenamed("name", "full_name")

In this case, we use Python aliases with the .withColumnRenamed() method to rename the “name” column to “full_name.”

Example 6: Renaming All Columns at Once

Renaming all columns simultaneously is useful in scenarios where you have a complete list of new column names. In this example, we’ll rename all columns at once:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Carol", 28)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Renaming all columns at once
new_columns = ["full_name", "years_old"]
df = df.toDF(*new_columns)

Here, we rename all columns at once by providing a list of new column names to the .toDF() method.

Example 7: Renaming Columns with User-Defined Functions (UDFs)

For advanced renaming tasks, you can use User-Defined Functions (UDFs). In this example, we’ll append “_years_old” to the “age” column using a UDF:

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType

# Sample data
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Carol", 28)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Define a UDF to rename the column
def rename_age_column(age):
    return age + "_years_old"

# Applying the UDF to rename the "age" column
df = df.withColumn("age", rename_age_column(df["age"]))

In this example, we use a custom UDF to rename the “age” column by appending “_years_old.”


Renaming columns is a crucial part of data preprocessing and data analysis in PySpark.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered various methods for renaming columns, from simple renames to more advanced techniques using SQL queries, expressions, Python aliases, and UDFs.

With these techniques at your disposal, you can confidently manipulate column names to make your data more manageable and intuitive, setting the stage for effective data processing and analysis in PySpark. Happy coding!

Related Article: PySpark SQL: Ultimate Guide


1. withColumnRenamed() Function:
  • The withColumnRenamed() function allows you to rename a column in a PySpark DataFrame. It is well-documented in the official documentation.
  • Documentation link for withColumnRenamed(): withColumnRenamed
2. Stack Overflow Discussions: