Top 20 IaaS Cloud Computing Examples

Here we are going to see the top 20 IaaS Cloud Computing Examples in detail and also going to see the applications of each in the IaaS model.

IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service is one of the most popular models in cloud computing and it is delivered by different service providers.

IaaS cloud examples give you an idea of how to use IaaS services to manage your infrastructure requirements, and its usage has become very wide nowadays due to virtualization and other Cloud Computing benefits.

What is the top cloud computing examples of IaaS, or Infrastructure as Service? Here are some of the best examples of IaaS available today, in alphabetical order: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco Metapod, DigitalOcean, Linode, Rackspace, and Microsoft Azure.

Related Article: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS in Cloud Computing: Complete Guide

For more information on each one read below, we have provided a detailed overview of all the different IaaS Cloud Computing Examples.

Top IaaS Cloud Computing Examples

Cloud computing has its own set of benefits and downfalls, from the simple process of signing up to the hassle of configuring it correctly.

IaaS cloud computing examples are able to simplify this process by handling all or most of the infrastructure required to run an application on the cloud platform, such as storage, virtual machines, load balancing, and firewalls.

You can read more about IaaS cloud computing examples below and find out if it’s right for your next project.

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1. Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean is a cloud infrastructure provider. It offers cloud computing platforms powered by solid-state drives (SSDs).

The company was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in New York City, with data centers worldwide.

A notable fact about DigitalOcean is that all its servers are distributed across 13 locations worldwide, including Amsterdam, Bangalore, Frankfurt, London, San Francisco, and Tokyo.

As of February 2016, DigitalOcean has over 600 employees spread across those cities.

2. VPS Server

A virtual private server is like a computer server hosted by an Internet provider. Similar to that of a dedicated server, it provides more resources to the user and is faster to set up and less expensive.

A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, has its own IP address, owns filesystems and physical storage (disk space), and can be administered separately from other virtual servers.

3. Linode Cloud

Linode was created in 2003 and is a cloud computing company that provides Linux-based virtual servers with full root access, 24×7 support, solid-state drives, and SSD-based read/write cache.

Linode offers a wide range of packages starting at $5 per month. Linode has data centers located in Fremont, Newark (New Jersey), London, Frankfurt, Singapore, and Tokyo.

Linode also has two data centers on either side of the world for redundancy and disaster recovery purposes one located in Fremont (California) and another one located in Singapore.

Linode’s infrastructure is designed to run enterprise applications while maintaining high-performance standards.

4. AWS – Simple Storage Service (S3)

Amazon S3 is a web-based storage solution provided by Amazon Web Services and It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.

With S3, Amazon offers its infrastructure to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web.

The service aims to minimize bandwidth costs for users and to pass the savings on to developers, who can use it to store and retrieve as much data as they need.

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5. AWS – Relational Database Service (RDS)

Amazon RDS is a cloud-based service that makes it easy to establish and maintain a relational database in the cloud.

It is also capable of quickly growing to fit the size requirements for databases and it relieves you of tedious database administration tasks, so you can spend your time focusing on what really matters, like the well-being of your applications and business.

Amazon RDS makes your database management and configuration straightforward by enabling you to dynamically manage and configure servers as you need them – no need to do it yourself.

Related Article: How to Setup AWS Account?

6. AWS – Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk simplifies setting up, operating, and scaling a web application on AWS. With just a few clicks in your AWS Management Console, you can deploy a highly available, scalable application server environment with load balancing, health monitoring, automatic scaling, and deployment features.

Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles capacity provisioning and application health monitoring so you can focus on coding; it uses Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to add or remove instances as your application demands grow.

7. Cisco Metapod

Metapod is a flexible network automation system for managing your data center fabric. It is easy to use and deploy, allowing you to focus on working with applications instead of devices.

Metapod’s abstractions let you define your policies once, deploy them throughout your data center and keep everything consistent.

Cisco Metapod provides full support for both bare-metal (physical) and virtualized environments.

This means that it can be used in both private clouds as well as public clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).

But now currently cisco website shows that the Cisco Metapod has been suspended and is no longer available.

8. Google Compute Engine (GCE)

Google Compute Engine (GCE) is a public cloud platform that is hosted by Google. With GCE, users can set up virtual machines on Google’s infrastructure.

This service provides a simple way to manage virtual machines and offers tools for creating images and deploying them to GCE instances.

It also provides APIs for managing instances and allows you to scale your application easily.

The pricing of GCE depends on what kind of instance you want to use: standard or preemptible.

The standard instance charges are based on CPU usage while preemptible instances charge only when they are running.

Related Article: What’s Google Cloud? – How It Is Different From Others?

9. IBM Bluemix

IBM Bluemix is a cloud computing platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) offered by IBM.

The platform allows developers to create, test, deploy and manage applications hosted on IBM’s own infrastructures or in third-party data centers, IBM offers user-friendly services and integrated solutions with Bluemix.

It also provides enterprise application development, deployment, and management. It supports multiple programming languages like Java, PHP, Node.js, etc.

It also integrates other IBM products like Watson Analytics, Big Data & Analytics Platforms, etc.

10. AWS 

 AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing platform that provides on-demand cloud computing services.

Amazon launched AWS in 2006 as a free service to hosting providers but later brought it to the public in November 2006.

Since then, AWS has been growing rapidly and now has more than 1 million active customers.

It also has more than 30 service offerings including computing power, database storage, and a content delivery network(CDN), It’s one of the top IaaS cloud computing examples.

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11. Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.

In 2010, Windows Azure became generally available, making it one of the top IaaS cloud computing examples.

This popular software can be used for many different types of applications such as websites, mobile apps, or games.

It provides software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) from local to hybrid to fully managed clouds.

12. OpenStack

OpenStack is a free and open-source software cloud computing platform that can be deployed either as an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) solution or as a platform as a service (PaaS) solution.

The technology consists of interrelated components that control diverse, multi-vendor hardware pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center. It is released under both the Apache License 2.0 and BSD license.

13. Qubole

San Francisco, CA Qubole is a big data management and analysis software as a service company.

The company offers cloud-based software for designing, deploying, analyzing, and operating Hadoop clusters.

The Qubole platform allows users to create, scale and operate enterprise-grade Apache Hadoop clusters at any time and scale on both public cloud as well as on-premise environments in a secure manner.

14. Virtuozzo

Developed by Parallels, Virtuozzo is an operating system-level virtualization solution for containers.

The software is used for server consolidation and density in private clouds. Virtuozzo competes with other hypervisors such as KVM, Xen, and Hyper-V.

Founded in 2005, it was purchased by Parallels in 2008 and continues to operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parallels International Corporation.

15. Vultr Cloud

Vultr is an infrastructure-as-service cloud computing platform using x86 virtual machines in data centers across the globe.

Launched in 2016, Vultr was founded by people who have founded companies that have a combined valuation of over $1 billion and managed hundreds of thousands of servers for clients including Facebook, Zynga, Dropbox, and Airbnb. Its mission is to become the best place to run your infrastructure.

16. CloudatCost

Offers cloud computing services including virtual servers, dedicated servers, storage, and domains.

In addition to these standard products, CloudatCost also provides non-traditional products such as dedicated IP addresses and DDoS protection services.

Their server hosting packages are built for both businesses and individuals, Businesses benefit from customizable solutions that can be tailored to match their individual requirements.

They have packages that range from single websites all the way up to large e-commerce stores with hundreds of employees.

17. IBM Softlayer

Founded in 2005, IBM Softlayer is a cloud computing infrastructure provider that offers bare metal servers and virtual servers.

The service currently has 100 data centers located in 9 regions around the world and is used by over 110,000 businesses. Some of its most popular features include 24/7/365 customer support, guaranteed resource levels, and flexible billing options.

Softlayer’s simple-to-use control panel allows users to create their own server within minutes and use it for anything from file storage to running an entire website.

It’s also very affordable; you can start off with as little as $10 per month for a 1GB RAM, single-core processor server with 500GB storage space.

If you have more advanced needs, there are even larger servers available starting at $250 per month.

The CenturyLink Public Cloud offers an extensive portfolio of public cloud services including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Our flexible, elastic infrastructure combined with our enterprise-grade security and reliability is ideal for any project.

The following are some examples of how businesses use our public cloud to transform their business.

Of course, there are many more ways to utilize CenturyLink’s Public Cloud. Contact us today to learn more about your options or get started using one of our preconfigured solutions.

19. Kyup Public Cloud

Kyup cloud provides the best IaaS cloud computing examples that can meet high-end business requirements.

Kyup Public Cloud has top-speed connectivity and security to save costs for any growing organization.

Kyup public cloud can be used for software development, databases, big data applications, website hosting, etc.

When you launch your app on Kyup Public Cloud you’ll get the most reliable support from Kyup’s 24x7x365 global support center.

20. HP Public Cloud

The HP Public Cloud is offered as a set of integrated capabilities that customers can use to deploy and run workloads across their data centers, on-premises, or in HP’s trusted public cloud environments.

Customers can choose from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery models, backed by world-class support.

Industry-leading HP technology provides security, reliability, and scalability for hybrid cloud deployment models.

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Cloud computing provides on-demand delivery of software, platform, and infrastructure over the Internet.

Cloud computing utilizes cloud infrastructure (i.e., servers, storage, networks) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is an example of cloud computing where the focus is on the deployment of virtual machines using different types of underlying hardware infrastructure models such as server farms and storage area networks(SAN).

All the above examples of Infrastructure as a Services (IaaS) help to make the cloud Computing process very easy in the world of cloud services.

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