Who is a Data Engineer & How to Become a Data Engineer?

In this blog, you will learn about Data Engineering and also know who is a Data Engineer and How to Become a Data Engineer.

Data Engineering, It’s a form of software engineering that specializes in extracting knowledge from data using algorithms and machine learning.

To become a data engineer, you should have previous experience with software engineering or programming languages like C++, Python, and Java.

Data engineers typically have degrees in computer science or mathematics and may have graduated from master’s programs like those offered by different top Universities.

If you’re looking to learn more about data engineering, the first step might be taking a look at what the job entails.

What is Data Engineering?

People often ask, What is data engineering?. It’s not just one thing; it encompasses many different parts of working with big data.

In fact, you can divide data engineers into two types: business-facing and technology-facing. The business-facing side works on extracting insights from large datasets and presenting them in ways that are useful for people who don’t know how to program or work with code.

The technology-facing side focuses on managing databases, storing information in new ways, building algorithms that make sense of data sets (and then keeping those algorithms running smoothly), and ensuring that all of these pieces work together seamlessly.

Who is a Data Engineer?

There are two types of data engineers: machine learning engineers, who focus on finding patterns in large datasets, and database engineers, who design and maintain databases.

Machine learning engineers tend to have at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science or applied mathematics, though some pursue master’s degrees.

Database engineers usually have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or an equivalent field, along with experience working with relational databases.

Both jobs require strong analytical skills and knowledge of programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, or SQL.

They also need to be able to communicate their findings clearly both verbally and in writing.

What is the work of a Data Engineer?

Data engineers play an important role in today’s IT departments, Their work begins with two major responsibilities: collecting data from software applications and storing it for later use.

After that, they figure out ways to extract insight from these datasets and put them into actionable information.

They also have to ensure that all of their systems are working properly at all times. It can be hard work, but there are many different types of jobs available for those who want to become data engineers. Here are some of them

What Key Skills do Data engineers need?

Data engineers need several key skills. They must be strong in math, computer science, and software engineering.

The ability to understand and work with data is a crucial skill, They must also have good communication skills so they can convey their ideas effectively.

Data engineers should also possess good problem-solving abilities, creativity, and initiative, To become a data engineer, you should learn about probability theory and statistics as well as database administration.

You will also want to develop your programming skills and learn how databases function, You may want to consider getting a master’s degree in computer science or information technology if you are interested in becoming a data engineer.

Many employers prefer candidates who have relevant experience working with large datasets, so it might be helpful to get some experience working on projects that involve big data before looking for an entry-level position as a data engineer.

What is a good way to learn Data Engineering?

A solid understanding of computer science fundamentals (such as algorithmic complexity and algorithm design) is helpful when learning data engineering because it teaches you how to approach complex problems systematically.

As with other specialties, knowledge about business practices will help you develop effective solutions for your clients.

To become a data engineer, you must master at least two programming languages, Your first choice should be R or Python because of their versatility and widespread use in data analysis.

Data Engineering Tools

If you are working as a data engineer, chances are you will find yourself using one or more of these tools: Apache Hadoop, Python, Hive, and Pig.

And remember that being an expert in one tool doesn’t mean you’re ready for a data engineering job. You need to know all four.

For instance, if your job requires you to use Hive, but you don’t know what it is or how it works, then you’re going to be overwhelmed very quickly.

1. Pyspark: 

This is Spark’s Python API, which lets you write applications in Python that run on top of Spark. This means you can use all of Spark’s machine learning libraries and tools without having to learn Scala or Java.

2. Azure: 

Microsoft’s cloud computing platform has tools for data engineering, including HDInsight and Azure Machine Learning.

If you want to do data engineering in a cloud environment, these are good options for you.

3. Hadoop:

Hadoop is an open-source framework that was created by Yahoo! in 2006 and released under an Apache license in 2008.

4. Google BigQuery

This service, which launched in 2010, lets you query data stored in Google’s cloud using SQL-like syntax.

It’s fast and powerful, but it also has some limitations that might make it unsuitable for your needs.

5. Pig:

This language for expressing data flows is built on top of Hadoop and was created by Yahoo! back in 2006 as part of its Hadoop project.

6. Informatica PowerCenter

This ETL tool was created by Informatica in 1998 and acquired by IBM in 2013. It’s used for extracting, transforming, and loading data into different systems or databases.

7. Apache Hive:

This data warehouse software Hive was originally developed by Facebook back in 2007 and released under an Apache license in 2009.

It lets you query large datasets stored on Hadoop using SQL-like queries, without having to write any code or create complex data models first.

Are the Data Engineers in high demand?

The nature of work in data engineering shifts depending on which company you’re working for, but most say that there’s always room for more.

There’s also no shortage of money waiting to be made by those who are skilled enough, so if you have an interest in becoming a data engineer, then now might be as good time as any.

Similarly, there are high usabilities of cloud these days which shows there is a huge demand for cloud professionals like data engineers.

Many organizations have been using IT systems and services for their business operations (SaaS, ERP, etc.) for decades.

But now that we’re in an era of big data, cloud computing, and other advances in technology, it has become possible to collect massive amounts of data from many different sources and analyze it in ways that were not previously possible.

Moreover, these technologies are so powerful that they can be used by almost any organization even small businesses or startups to solve problems that were previously impossible to solve. These all types of work are mostly performed by data engineers.

Related Article: Are Data Engineers in Demand? – Ultimate Guide

Data Engineer Salary

Most of us will agree that we would want to become data engineers because of all that fame and money that they are earning.

The question however remains, how much do data engineers make each year? Well, according to Payscale, an entry-level data engineer earns around $72,000 annually while their annual pay rises up to $133,000 at their peak.

Furthermore, it has been reported that some experienced data engineers earn as high as $200,000 per annum.

So if you’re looking for a lucrative career option then you should consider becoming a data engineer.

Your skill level will also affect your salary (depending on what field you’re in), with entry-level engineers earning an average of $53,082 and senior engineers earning about $109,437 per year.

In India, it is different according to Glassdoor the average salary for a Data Engineer is around ₹8,00,000 /yr it depends on your skills and experiences.

Data Engineer Jobs Profiles

One of the most important things in becoming a data engineer is knowing how much money you’ll be making. Based on Glassdoor and PayScale, here are some of the titles held by data engineers

1. Senior/Lead data engineer,

2. Entry-level data engineer,

3. Lead systems administrator.

4. Head of data engineering

5. Chief data officer

How to Become a Data Engineer?

To become a data engineer, it’s crucial that you first understand exactly what your day-to-day will look like.

Sure, every job title comes with its own set of responsibilities, but there are some qualities that are required for all data engineers.

This includes being able to handle large amounts of data and develop solutions that make sense from an engineering perspective.

1. Do a Certification in Cloud

2. Pursue a Master’s Degree in Data Engineering

3. Gain Experience in Data Engineering

4. Do a bachelor’s in Data Field


If you’re looking to become a data engineer, you might have found your calling. A data engineer has two basic tasks: they build and maintain databases (often extremely large ones), and they develop programs that allow people to interact with their company’s information in new ways.

Today, data engineers are in high demand across industries and roles; those who know how to quickly find useful insights buried within immense quantities of electronic data can help almost any business make better decisions.

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