How to Start your Career in AWS? – Complete Guide

In this blog post, we are going to discuss AWS usability and the suitable way to start or make a career in AWS as a cloud professional.

The AWS Cloud is a powerful and robust set of computing services, storage, databases, analytics, and other features that together comprise what many would call the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform.

That’s why it’s an important consideration if you’re thinking about how to start your career in AWS.

The cloud computing industry has progressed significantly in recent years. This article discusses the cloud, namely AWS, and how it changes the way you can work to make it easier for you.

What is AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform that provides on-demand compute and storage resources – aka, the most powerful utility in the world.

AWS offers a rich assortment of services for all types of business, spanning from startups to enterprises.

AWS is a portfolio of on-demand computing services, such as on-demand hosting, databases, analytics, and more.

AWS lets you deploy your code to the web with only a few clicks, It provides comprehensive identity and access control tools for managing sensitive data and workloads.

AWS provides a set of cloud services and tools that you can use to build and deliver software applications and websites.

It’s part of the AWS family, which includes Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Simple Storage Service, and more!

Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of computing and storage services that can be accessed via a web-based interface.

Amazon also provides its own line of server hardware, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

With all these benefits, it is no wonder AWS has become such a popular option for businesses looking to host their websites or move their data to the cloud.

Related Article: What is EC2 in AWS? – Ultimate Guide on EC2

Job Market in the Cloud

So there’s a lot of jobs in the cloud. However, not all of them are created equal-some require skills that you may not have.

That being said, there are plenty of opportunities for those who have a background in information technology and can take on a higher-level job within AWS.

If you’re interested, I’ll link to a page with more information about becoming an AWS Professional as well as the associated salary and job market.

The Cloud Computing Ecosystem

The company offers a large variety of cloud-based products and services, such as its Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

AWS is not an acronym; it refers to the region in which the company does most of its business. AWS is a software company.

It provides cloud computing services to individuals, companies, and governments.

The company offers individual services like AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFront, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

It also provides more complex services for businesses like the Amazon Aurora database and the Amazon Simple Storage Service.

Benefits of Cloud Computing using AWS

AWS is a cloud computing platform where you can access information about web applications and services.

It provides security and high availability that will allow your business to grow.

AWS also has a team of experts who can take care of your company’s infrastructure for you, which means that you can focus on what you do best: innovating.

Cloud computing is the next big thing in the industry of technology. And many companies are using it on a daily basis to provide services for their customers.

One such company is Amazon Web Services, which provides cloud services for all types of businesses on an international scale.

AWS can be used to help with any type of business – small or large – and it doesn’t require any expertise in IT infrastructure.

AWS Is the highly Used Public Cloud Platform

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a big player in the cloud computing industry. It has introduced a comprehensive and flexible suite of services and features and attracted organizations and individuals from all over the world.

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) is a subsidiary of, Inc., and offers on-demand cloud computing platforms to individual developers, companies, and governments.

So you want to get your foot in the door of the cloud computing industry? You might be thinking that you will need at least some experience, but it is not always the case.

The cloud is a great opportunity for any IT professional with experienced or not.

There are several reasons why you should consider AWS if you are an experienced IT expert looking to advance in your career or new to the world of cloud computing (or IT, for that matter).

AWS Is the Fastest-Growing Public Cloud

AWS is the fastest-growing public cloud. There are three major reasons behind this growth.

First, AWS offers more than 100 services that can be used to build and maintain applications in the cloud, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

Second, AWS is the most cost-effective provider of cloud infrastructure.

Third, AWS has a global reach with 44 availability zones across 18 geographic regions for the deployment of workloads.

While AWS may not dominate private cloud computing the kind used by large enterprises it does lead the pack when it comes to public cloud services.

Why is that? For one thing, AWS has more than 25 years of experience, and it’s been around longer than many of its competitors.

It also has a broad, robust set of products and services available for you to use.

When you add up all these factors, this means AWS is likely your best choice if you’re looking for a public cloud computing job or even just a career path.

AWS Certification Tips

AWS is a diverse, growing, and ever-changing field. To be successful in this industry, you need to keep your skills up to date.

There are many ways to achieve certification with AWS, but some are better than others. From my experience, I recommend the following methods:

  1. Attend training sessions at AWS Summits or other trade shows
  2. Take short courses or audit the courses without certification from providers like Coursera, Edx, etc.
  3. Completet the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – by taking the Associate certification exam offered by Amazon

How to Become an AWS Certified Professional?

AWS is a certification from Amazon, which means you have to have an Amazon-partnered account.

The exam is composed of 70 or 100 questions and you get 60 minutes or 90 minutes respectively.

You can get a free three-month trial for the service, but after that, your bill will be $3.99 per month.

AWS offers a program called the AWS Certification Program. In order to become an AWS Certified Professional, you must pass three exams in succession:

AWS Certified Developer – this exam is designed for developers who create applications using the services included in the AWS platform.

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – this exam is designed for operations professionals who use the various services and products that are included in the AWS platform to manage their environments.

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – this exam is designed for developers and operations professionals who design systems with a focus on automating deployment and product release processes.

Types of Certifications

AWS is a company by the name of Amazon Web Services. It provides many different cloud computing services that cater to a wide range of businesses and individuals all over the world.

The AWS Developer Associate certification has been designed for developers with basic skills in programming languages such as Java, C#, Python, etc.

There are a lot of different certification programs that you can take depending on your interests and skill level.

  4. AWS SPECIALTY CERTIFICATIONS (3 certifications)

Type of Exam for AWS Certifications

You can take the AWS Solutions Architect – Associate exam by passing a series of assessments. The first step is to pass the:

  1. AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate Exam (part 1)
  2. AWS Certified Developer – Associate Exam

You will then be able to proceed with the following exams:

  1. AWS Certified Developer – Professional Exam
  2. AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Professional Exam
  3. AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional Exam

Career Path with AWS

AWS has a few different career paths for individuals of varying levels of expertise and experience.

You can get hired as a software engineer or project manager, or you might want to explore the many technical opportunities that AWS provides.

Regardless of your experience, you will be able to find an opportunity on the AWS Careers site.

How to Apply to Work at AWS?

If you want to apply for a position at AWS, the first step is to ensure your profile meets their needs.

Make sure you have work experience in fields such as software development, engineering, or computer science with a degree from a four-year college or university.

You may also need a minimum of four years of professional experience with the following skills:

  1. Advanced Programming languages such as Python, C++, Java
  2. Solid understanding of Unix/Linux systems
  3. Experience designing and implementing scalable distributed systems
  4. Expertise in scaling web services and databases


AWS offers a broad lineup of products and services, including computing power, storage, content delivery, media processing, analytics, IoT, mobile, security. We are not able to offer resources for every industry or use case.