Example for Internet of Things – Ultimate Guide on IoT

In this post, We are going to discuss the Example(s) for the Internet of Things and why they require the IoT to work efficiently.

If you’re just getting up to speed on the Internet of Things, it’s hard to even wrap your head around how much it will impact our daily lives in the future.

To get you started, here are a few example(s) of the Internet of Things in action today.

Example(s) of the Internet of Things are everyday objects that people use in their homes and offices, things like smart refrigerators and thermostats.

Here is a few example(s) of the Internet of Things that you might use on a daily basis, but might not realize! and we also see the example which needs IOT.

  1. Home Devices
  2. Automotive Vehicles
  3. Smart Gadgets
  4. Industrial Machinery
  5. Others

Example of Internet of Things – Home Devices

One of the more useful applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) right now can be found in smart thermostats.

Rather than manually adjusting your air conditioner or furnace, you can program your thermostat to do it automatically.

It can connect to the internet and adjust your AC or heater according to your preset schedule, whether you’re home or not, and when you’re out of town it will be able to adjust itself accordingly based on its own programming, providing an energy-efficient way to keep your house comfortable at all times of day and night.

There are tons of examples of the Internet of Things in action right now, but we’ll start with what most people associate with the term smart homes and connected devices.

The following list highlights some of the most common ways that the IoT can be implemented, along with examples of how it can help you in your daily life.

So let’s take a look at these example (s) to see how they could impact your life as an individual or business owner using the Internet Of Things.

How The IoT Will Change The Future?

In today’s digital world, one connected device after another has entered our lives and changed how we interact with technology.

Whether it is a smartphone, a fitness tracker, or any other smart device, they all have one thing in common: they are connected to each other through some sort of online infrastructure.

This trend, which is often referred to as The Internet Of Things (IoT), only seems to be getting bigger by the day.

Experts predict that there will be over 24 billion devices on IoT networks worldwide within just the Next five years.

But what exactly do these numbers mean? Let’s take a closer look at how IoT is shaping up, what challenges it faces and where you can see its influence around you now. 

How Internet of Things Is Changing Our Lives? (5 Example (s) for IOT)

The Internet of Things is all about connecting your devices like Smartwatches, wearables, computers, smartphones all example(s) are part of a world that’s growing increasingly connected.

But what does it mean to be connected? The examples below provide you with insight into just how profound an effect IoT will have in our day-to-day lives.

You may soon be shocked at how dependent you already are on these technologies; we certainly were when looking through these top example (s)

1. Connected Cars:

A smart car can track its own vital signs, whether it’s engine performance or tire pressure.

If something goes wrong and you need to pull over quickly, there might be an accident and even help to come before you know it. What else do smart cars bring?

How about diagnostics & location data (detecting break-ins or accidents)? And parking assist? Or entertainment? It turns out being connected changes everything.

Related Article: How Does Self Driving Car Tesla Works?

2. Drones:

Drones are becoming a more commonplace Internet of things device than ever before, not only as people look for ways to save money but also as new industries emerge, farmers, for example, use drones to fly over their crops, measure plant growth, and avoid damage.

They’re much cheaper than helicopters too, which makes sense considering they don’t require pilots.

That, coupled with technology like GPS, allows them to map farmland incredibly accurately.

In fact, a company called SkyFarms has developed special software designed specifically for agriculture.

Without their technology, it would be impossible to keep track of huge swathes of land using drone technology.

3. Smart Cities

Most cities across America now employ some kind of smart system to solve problems within their infrastructure.

After installing sensors on street lamps and water systems, governments are able to inform citizens about issues in real-time.

For example, if there’s a pothole in their neighborhood and city officials aren’t aware of it yet, one of those digital billboards could advertise alternative routes around town instead.

These so-called smart city initiatives take many forms across different municipalities.

However, most involve one simple goal: making life easier for residents by automating services and prioritizing transportation networks.

4. Home Automation

Do you want to wake up to fresh coffee every morning, automatically open and close your blinds, play music from Spotify at a certain time of day, or use smart light bulbs to ensure safety during a power outage? this type of endless options for home automation.

While it’s been popular for years among technophiles and DIY enthusiasts, it’s finally starting to become affordable for everyone.

Of course, there are plenty of DIY options out there, but you can also purchase a whole-home system complete with routers, hubs, and other hardware.

The two biggest names in home automation right now are Apple and Google, both of whom offer smart assistants in their products.

Google’s Nest is especially popular for homeowners who have purchased a compatible thermostat.

5. Digital Wallets

Electronic wallets have revolutionized how consumers pay for goods and services online and at brick-and-mortar stores alike.

Mobile wallets in particular, such as PayPal and Google Wallet, use near-field communication technology to send payments directly from your smartphone.

In addition to online shopping, you can use NFC for peer-to-peer payments or loyalty programs at local businesses.

How Tesla Is Using The Internet Of Things?

The IoT is changing everything nearly every industry and the company will be affected by it over time.

The best Example for IoT and A major player in using the Internet of Things to reshape transportation is Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA).

The company has built a network of connected cars that are able to send, receive, and store data from and to users’ phones.

It can track drivers’ locations, alert drivers if their car needs attention before it becomes a problem, and even let them remotely control some functions of their car from their phone. Let’s take a look at how Tesla is using IoT to revolutionize driving.

In 2015, Tesla announced a new feature called Sentry Mode, The feature records dashcam footage if it detects someone breaking into your car or tampering with its electronics while you aren’t there.

And just last month, reports indicated that Tesla would add yet another driver-assistance feature: an alarm system activated when sensors notice someone approaching your parked vehicle.

Why The Consumer & Healthcare Businesses Focus on the IOT?

The consumer and healthcare businesses focus on IoT solutions because both are largely driven by consumer demand.

Both industries need to stay current with tech in order to continue earning consumer loyalty, and IoT solutions can help them do that.

The growth of IoT is based on a simple fact: it’s easier for consumers to connect with companies when there’s something in it for them.

For example, if your air conditioning breaks down during summertime (or wintertime!), you may be more inclined to call up an AC repairman if his business has a smart thermostat system.

Why? Because with smart technology, AC repairmen will be able to diagnose problems faster and potentially save money for their customers.

Many other big-name brands have implemented IoT systems because they work; they serve as clear examples of why every industry should adopt IoT strategies sooner rather than later!

How To Start Using The IoT For Business Purposes?

If you are looking to start using the internet of things (IoT) in your business here are a few tips and tricks: Start with what is already there.

How many TVs do you already have? How many thermostats? Do you have any other smart appliances? These could be great initial starting points since they are relatively inexpensive and will allow you to test out how well everything works together before investing too much money.

Security should always be the top priority. Having these objects all connected can create some security risks if not properly setup or executed correctly.

With just one malicious hacker they could compromise multiple objects at once leaving your home vulnerable to breaches.

How Can Hotels And Restaurants Use The IoT?

All businesses can benefit from implementing some form of IoT technology. One example is with hotels and restaurants.

A hotel’s business flourishes when its rooms are occupied, and IoT-enabled room keys can inform management when a key isn’t used or if a guest doesn’t check out on time, so they can promptly notify housekeeping or change your room rate to a lower one.

With tables in full use, restaurant owners can track tables that have been empty for long periods of time through connected devices.

This information could be used to adjust service times in an effort to boost profits by getting more customers in and out as quickly as possible.

The potential uses of connected devices are limitless! As far as what you do with your data?

Common misconceptions About IoT

The Internet of Things, in all its technological glory, is still something that most people aren’t familiar with.

It is just referred to as a growing network of interconnected objects that are capable to collect and exchange information in real-time using embedded sensors.

However, it’s a complex concept, so there are many misconceptions about what it actually means and how it can affect businesses and consumers alike.

In order to understand what the internet of things really looks like, let’s look at some common misconceptions about them. 

1. They’re expensive:

Yes, adding an extra device or installing new software on your computer might not be free; however, they can save you money over time through reduced energy consumption or lower maintenance costs. 

2. They’re inconvenient:

While smart technologies do offer conveniences such as allowing you to set your own schedule remotely or automatically checking your environment when you get home, they also create a more convenient user experience.

Not only can smart systems help increase efficiency by automating repetitive tasks (such as turning lights off after a certain period of time), but they make sure that everything in your space works seamlessly together. 

3. It’s just for Technology Companies:

These days almost anything can have an internet of things sensor attached to it! Consumer packaged goods companies are already starting to play around with ways to incorporate IoT into their products after all, why wouldn’t they? Every company wants to come up with ideas that will put them ahead of its competitors.

That said, no matter what industry you work in, now is a great time to start thinking about how you could add connectivity and automation to improve performance while saving time and resources.

This doesn’t mean your company has to buy brand new machinery, for example, industrial equipment and even scientific instruments often use old Wi-Fi connections and Bluetooth protocols.

But it does mean that every business should consider whether what they sell or provide is still viable if integrated with tomorrow’s technologies.

Instead of adapting their tech solutions just to keep up with competitors, innovators should embrace intelligent devices as an opportunity to rethink how we interact with our surroundings on a day-to-day basis.

Example Of A Failed Use Case For Connected Devices

An Example Of A Failed Use Case For Connected Devices Is The Internet Of Shower Heads By Kohler.

The Idea Was That Users Could Control Their Shower Water Temperature From Anywhere In The World Via Wi-Fi Connection.

This Idea Failed As No One Was Interested In Using It And To Top It Off, People Did Not Trust Such A Device On Their Private Property And See It More As A Potential Hack Way.

Another Good Example Is Samsung Smart Refrigerator. When The Company First Launched It With Microsoft’s Bing Search Engine As Its Default Web Browser, Everyone Went Crazy Over Privacy Concerns: How Is A Giant Corporation Like Samsung Going To Respect My Privacy When They Are Linking Me And My Family Up With Just About Every Device We Own? Obviously, They Didn’t Get What IoT Was About.

Supply Chain Issues for the Internet of Things 

Supply chain issues are a common occurrence when it comes to connecting devices and has been known to negatively impact customer experience and brand reputation.

While many businesses, especially retailers, are leveraging IoT solutions in their supply chains and manufacturing processes, there is still much work to be done to minimize vulnerabilities and develop risk-mitigation strategies. 

Supply chain issues can be a thorn in any company’s side. While building, connecting, and maintaining an IoT-based supply chain might seem like a huge undertaking.

It doesn’t have to be! From helping optimize inventory levels to securing product safety, there are plenty of different ways that your business can improve its supply chain. IoT technology is especially powerful when combined with big data analytics.

Once you have these two pieces integrated into your ecosystem, then you can start focusing on three core areas: security, privacy, and cost reduction.

All of these areas are important in today’s market where hackers threaten companies at every turn.

This isn’t even mentioning consumer privacy; consumers are becoming more aware of how their private information is being used by businesses across all industries.

Infrastructure Issues for Internet of things

The IoT is still a relatively new phenomenon, but there are already a number of unresolved issues in terms of bandwidth, security, and power.

One example is around bandwidth: large file sizes make it difficult to move content from machine to machine over 3G or 4G networks

But even when you use wired internet connections like an Ethernet cable, there’s no real standard way to transfer those files and some types of sensors simply don’t send big files well at all.

More troublingly, these communication tools can be hacked by bad actors who want to infect your devices with malware and/or steal your data.


The Internet of Things is rapidly growing and reshaping our world. If you’re looking to join in on the fun, check out a few of these example (s)

Each one is working hard to advance smart cities, improve healthcare, or bring products to market more efficiently.

The opportunities are endless and it’s an exciting time to be in tech. It won’t be long before we run most of our lives using computers. We might as well get started today.